Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Forex as a Retirement Investment?

Forex is usually not the first thing that comes to mind when the topic "Retirement Planning" comes up. Why? Because Forex still has the stigma of "no-holds gambling away - crazy trading" with risk that is uncontrollable and a chance to lose all the money at any moment. But is this perception deserved and even true?
I think we are still in what will be considered "Forex infancy" in years to come. Let's not forget that stock investing was considered risky and not a safe choice by those promoting real estate as the only safe investment choice just a few decades ago.
Trading always is only as good as the strategy behind it. There will always be traders who trade "by the seat of their pants" - in Forex right now they are still the majority - but soon they will be weeded out by the natural selection of trading - they will simply run out of funds.

When you have a sound Forex trading strategy and a system to implement it - preferably an automated Forex trading system to rule out human error and emotion - profits will follow - in all trading setups - Forex just being another investment venue. The advantage that Forex has over other investments is leverage - you can with little money  control large capital - that leads to faster paced growth but does not mean we have to deal with larger risk.

How to control risk in Forex:

  1. You leave trading to a Forex automated system - no mistakes - 100% execution of your Forex trading strategy
  2. You use a robot with automated money management and you trade with low risk. Your account will grow slowly and steadily - and on its own
  3. You apply common sense - you avoid insanely risky days  - no-trade days - you read the news and observe the market behavior - ideally your robot uses volatlity filters to rule out much of the insanity on its own.

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